Immediately boost the
productivity and efficiency of
your inspectors and adjusters

Virtual Inspections from Anywhere in the World

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What if you could massively boost the productivity of your expert adjusters and inspectors, allowing you to instantly take more clients and boost your revenue?

How is this possible? It’s simple:

Your experts conduct inspections virtually via DUX while lower-paid workers spend the time driving to the site and holding the DUX device.

Your experts conduct virtual inspections using DUX while more economical staff spends the time driving to the site and holding the DUX device.

DUX Features

On-site workers can use a smartphone without even installing an app

There is no fancy equipment or complicated installation for your front-end workers. Your inspection experts can even be in a different state or country! 

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Annotate images and even videos

Your expert can take photos and make notes in real-time, while providing guidance to the onsite worker. All virtual inspections are recorded.

Easily schedule inspections

Schedule an inspection via the DUX widget or through the DUX API

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Inspect Anytime Anywhere

Experts can connect with field inspectors over the DUX mobile apps or via SMS-based browser calls.

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Document and Report

Take high-definition photos of the inspection and mark your observations with DUX’s live annotations.

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Automatically generate dynamic reports

Make photo annotations and notes against observations while associating them with dynamic report fields and other photos.

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One-line code integration

Add the DUX widget to your software with just one line of code.

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Virtual inspection for any industry

Construction Inspectors
Insurance Adjusters
All Other Industries

per day

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If each inspection involves just half an hour of driving, DUX virtual inspections system can save your high-paid experts hours per day, allowing them to conduct 20%-30% more inspections per day.

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